
Himalayan Chin (proso millet) Flour


Himalayan Chin Proso millet has the lowest water requirement of any grain crop and grows well in arid conditions, without the use of pesticide. Unique among millets, Himalayan Proso Millet is highly nutritious, rich in anti-oxidants, extremely tasty and gluten free with significant amounts of carbohydrates and fatty acids. It grows well in arid conditions. SOS Organics Proso millet is grown in the Himalaya at altitudes of up to 3000m. The flour is made using a German holistic Zentrofan vortex flour mill thereby preserving all the nutrients of the valuable grain.

Un-adulterated foods have formed the basis of our human diet through the ages. Chemical farming inputs and “factory farming” became popular in the middle of the last century as a way to maximize crop yields. Today, our world pays a large price for these practices, which have resulted in environmental and economic imbalances. What happens to the health of the animals, plants, micro-organisms, soil, oceans, and atmosphere, also affects human beings. There is no one who is immune to the effects of an unhealthy environment, no matter how much technology or wealth they may possess.

In an increasingly polluted urban environment, where our water, air and food are contaminated, keeping healthy has become something of a challenge. Our exploding urban population is starting to show signs of the damage being done by rapidly changing lifestyles, poor diet and lack of exercise. When the food we eat is polluted, we carry that pollution in our bodies; some of it remains there, accumulates and eventually causes diseases. Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are on the rise.

Our children are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of agricultural toxins as they consume a higher percentage in relation to their size. The average child receives four times more exposure to at least eight widely used cancer causing pesticides found in food than the average adult does.

Sourced from organic produce and hand-sorted in Himalayan villages, all our produce is grown naturally without the use of harmful chemicals in our effort to preserve the biodiversity of the Himalayas and to sustain indigenous crop.


(net weight: 500 gram, packed in a golden resealable pouch)

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It’s highly nutritious, extremely tasty and gluten free high protien and carbohydrate content makes for a perfect inclusion in your diet The innovative vortex technology is designed to preserve all the nutrients of the valuable grains. The Himalayn Proso Millet Flour only at https://uttarakhandhemp.com/

Our Health food range are free from the highly toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and growth hormones used in intensive farming and they are also free of artificial colourings, flavourings, additives, sweeteners and the thousands of other unwanted and unnecessary chemicals used in food.
Parso millet flour can be used for making breads, rotis and pancakes.
SOS Organic seeks to preserve the bio-diversity of the Himalayas by promoting traditional health food.